Terima Kasih Daun Keladi, Lain Kali Datang Lagi ^_^

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rebellious 20

I was being rebellious today!
3 hours lecture + tension headache = derhaka pada doktor.

Yesterday was fine, but today it didn't turn out so well. 
Unsettled revision, unorganized notes, undone questions. Luckily, the quiz session was fine.
3 jam lecture of pathology session tadi, masuk telinga kanan, keluar telinga kiri. And I don't know for what reason, the doctor seem to be mad at me. I didn't fall asleep pun, and I tried so hard not too.. Sobs! Dia punya tenung macam nak makan orang je... Ok, next time I'll find another spot to seat. I'll wear Invisible Cloaks so that she will never ever recognize me. Owh I feel depressed betul lah with her stare.

For that particular reason, rebel sorang2 dalam hati sambil menahan tension headache. Kept complaining, "Cepatlah habis! Cepatlah habis! Cepatlah habis!". Terasa keji dan derhaka di situ dengan doktor.. Sobs! But it's hard actually untuk berlapang dada kan? 

Muka buku kosong... Tiada contengan 

Peeking into Cik KeropokIkan's Book, tergelak sorang time kelas. See! Tak perasanlah pulak doktor ada mention pasal Ice Cream.. She's about the same with me, hilang fokus.

Take a closer look :p
Haih, tengah winter pun mengidam Ice Cream ke...

Ok, cam jahat kan saya hari ni. Haih, bila lah nak reti berlapang dada dan menerima. Mebi lah ada salah sendiri, tapi tak perasan kan kita buat salah tu. Sebab tu lah kena selalu  muhasabah diri... 

Anyway, diri ni pun dah tua. No more 'teen', sekarang ni dah jadi "_ty". Officially 20 years old. 13/12/11.
Cantik kan tarikh? Another will come, tapi kena tunggu sealaf lagi. 13/12/3011. Agaknya time tu dah mereput dalam tanah dah...

Thanks to Allah, for giving me this precious life :')
Bring me to Jannah as well.

Thanks to my mother, bearing me in her womb for 9 months.
Bearing the pain to bring me to this world,
Bearing the trouble and problems I created through out my life. :'(

To my parents and dearest family, thanks for your love, care and patience.
Ok, lepas ni I'll try to be grown up lady and more mature.

To my friends, thanks your wishes, gifts and surprises :)
May Allah bless you all!

Ok, big surprise from Heba! Wearing songket on my speacial day (eceh, special day konon, macam aku kawin jek). Padanlah ahli beit insisted saya balik rumah time break... Heba nak buat surprise rupanya... Terima kasih jugak tukang komplot dan tukang makan kek :) Kalian memang kawan yang baik.. Doakan kebahagiaan saya dunia akhirat ye!

p/s: Ok, supposed after the break need to head back to Dr Faisal's class. And we were late about 30 minutes! Argh stress kena lari2.. Anyway, it's fun being nakal sometimes. *big grin* 


  1. The same! I feel so blur during the lecture!

  2. awwwwwwwwwwwwwh :D
    your b-day was on a special day! <3
