Terima Kasih Daun Keladi, Lain Kali Datang Lagi ^_^

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Fluid Day

Gastroenteritis is not fun.
I feel bored resting and sleeping, but what else can I do...

Semalam ada I.C.E. Lebih kurang sports day lah. I was on duty yesterday for MedTeam. But sadly, it turned out that I was sick. Irony huh?
I feel bad towards Kak CTK, because I needed to rush back home. Dah lah tak cukup orang... Kesian mereka. I got nauseated after applying the muscle spray to injured contestant. I threw up ALL of my breakfast and dinner.. Sorry, I'm full of self pity. Not to that 'attention deficit' extend. 

Sekarang, masih feverish, cramps, and vomiting. Hilang 5 kg in 1 day. Ohhh! Hawa commented on how pale I look.

What a coincidence... SGD Medteam yang lepas, group kitaorang present pasal food poisoning and the main highlight was home made ORS. Minta tolong Hawa carikan ORS, and Aina suggested broad spectrum antibiotic (we second diagnosis of food poisoning case due to fever). Tapi malangnya, tiada ORS di farmasi and I forgot how to make the home made ORS as our team proposed on the presentation day.

Dan hari ini, hanya fluid je yang boleh masuk dalam mulut. No solid food. Na ah..

Tetibe teringat one of the episodes dalam Big Bang Theory portrayed The Soft Sheldon demanding soup and singing Soft Kitty.

Leonard: Drink plenty of fluid.
Sheldon: Yeah. What else should I take? Solid? Gas? Ionized plasma?
Biasalah, tengah sakit memang vulnerable. Haha! I can't believe Sheldon turned out that way! Singing Soft Kitty song. But still, his sarcasm remained...

Semoga esok lebih baik.

p/s: Rasa bosan sangat sebab tu mengarut dalam blog. Yalah, technically memang takde energy nak buat apa-apa.

*ORS - Oral Re-hydration Solution


  1. syafakillah
    padahal hari itu ada saja kereta kalau nak hantar balik

    1. Syukran.
      Takpelah, kereta tu kan standby untuk injured nk gi hospital.
