Terima Kasih Daun Keladi, Lain Kali Datang Lagi ^_^

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Saya dan ENT

Assalamualaikum and Hai!

Just finished my ENT (pronounce the alphabet) end round exam. It was great and awesome. Took most of the time thinking the correct answers for functions of nose.. I tipu je great and awesome tu... As always, lepas habis exam je mesti ada je rasa regret tak belajar betul-betul, main-main. Tapi, memang I kinda jenis late starter. 3 days before exam baru bom pum pang nak pegang buku, buat MCQs, cases. So, whatever good results that I had before, itu semua dari Allah. :) And all the mistakes, wrong answers, tak tahu jawapan, itu memang my own problems and kelemahan lah.

Tak sangka nak habis dah tahun 4. Cepat betul masa berlalu dan semua orang makin tua. Sobs! *heh tapi perangai macam budak-budak lagi* Final exam nak start dah. Mujahadah balik nak bukak buku Commed, Fortox... Tak sampai suku pun lagi baca. Haih, like I said before, I'm a late starter...

Satu amazing fact yang tak boleh nak percaya sampai sekarang, I never seen a female doctor teaching us ENT in our department. Like seriously! I wonder why? Geli ke? *Mucous, ear wax ha apa lagi yang dorang buat muka time doctor buat endoscope* Or memang tak minat? I don't know... Anyone? ENT ni rasis ke? Ahaha!

Tapi kalau tanya diri sendiri, ENT ni ok lah. Nak kata minat sangat-sangat tu tak jugak, tapi part yang paling interesting for me bab Larynx. Tak suka sangat study Ear because all the symptoms and signs are confusing. Recurrent infection causing Acute Otitis Media and bla bla bla tetibe we have Chronic Otitis Media and suddenly back to recurrent infection. Huhu I cannot accept this lah... The cycle is just complicated to structure. *Actually malas fikir, tu yang jadi macam ni*

Another thing, kalau jawab case and dapat diagnose, huh happy sengih-sengih kat meja. Tapi bila masuk soalan management, jaw drop. Tak tahu jawapan. Padahal being a doctor, the job is not just to identify the disease, but we need to manage the case too. Start investigations, give proper treatment. Diagnosing memang best sebab rasa macam dah solve puzzle, tapi kalau tak reti treat, bye bye lah!

I still have 2 years and half to finish medicine. Tetibe rasa sangat grown up. Dah patut plan nak kerja and settle down kat mana nanti...

*ENT = Ear, Nose and Throat.


  1. subjek tahun 4 semua bukan kegemaran aku lah. kecuali fortox.

  2. Geli dan seram.
    bukak kepala orang (deglove)
    korek hidung telinga orang memangla xde dr. ppuan

    1. oowh haaa... ye tak ye.. how come I forgot bout that...
      but every prospect of medicine akan ada part yg seram dan geli.. tak ke?
